4.4.1 Ventilation requirements
of fireplaces
The central "RB 600" ventilation
units may only be installed in
rooms, apartments and user
units of a comparable size, in
which air-ventilated fireplaces
are installed, if
1. a parallel operation of air-
ventilated fireplaces for liquid
or gaseous fuels and the air-
extracting equipment can be
prevented, or
2. the extraction of exhaust gas
from the air-ventilated
fireplaces is monitored by
special safety equipment. In
the case of air-ventilated
fireplaces for liquid or
gaseous fuels, the fireplace
or the ventilation system must
be switched off if the safety
device is triggered. In the
case of air-ventilated
fireplaces for solid fuels, the
ventilation system must be
switched off if the safety
device is triggered.
Central "RB 600" ventilation
units for the controlled
ventilation and air extraction
of an apartment or
comparable living unit may
not be installed if there are
air-ventilated fireplaces in the
living unit that are connected
to exhaust gas systems,
which themselves have
multiple connections.
In order to permit the intended
operation of ventilation systems
equipped with the central
"RB 600" ventilation units, it
must be possible to shut off any
combustion air ducts or exhaust
gas ducts from air-ventilated
In the case of solid fuel fire-
places, any shut-off device may
only be operated manually. It
must be possible to identify the
position of the shut-off device
from the setting of the operating
handle. This is considered to be
fulfilled if a soot blocking device
is deployed.
Only operate the ventilation
system at the same time as
an air-ventilated fireplace
only if using a differential
pressure control, see
Chapter 3.2.9 and 9.6.5.
Please observe the advice
contained in Chapter 7.2.2.
if a fan should fail.