Operating manual
for the user
The ongoing combustion process is halted while there is a warning.
As long as the pellet fireplace is in
the combustion process, the warning is constantly visible. If a warn-
ing occurs while in standby, then the combustion process is not
permitted to start.
The warning is visible for 5 seconds every 30 seconds.
Display notification
Ext. requirement blocked
Outside the switching times
Flame temperature too warm
Room temperature too warm
Pellet cover open
Cause of the fault
ū Connector not plugged in.
ū External room thermostat is not connected or is in-
correctly connected.
ū The temperature which has been set on the exter-
nal room thermostat is lower than the current room
ū Active switching times are saved, and the current
time is outside the active switching times.
ū In "Automatic" operating mode, no night time reduc-
tion temperature is saved either.
ū The flame temperature is too high.
ū The current room temperature is too high (in
"Automatic" operating mode only).
ū Pellet reservoir cover open!
Possible remedy
● Plug the connector in!
● Connect the external room thermostat!
● Wait until the current room temperature has cooled
and the pellet fireplace starts automatically!
● Increase the desired temperature on the room
● Wait until the current time is within the active
switching times and the pellet fireplace starts
● Define new switching times. Define a night time
● Pellet fireplace can be started with the party
● Wait until the flame temperature has cooled and
the pellet fireplace starts automatically!
● Wait until the current room temperature has cooled
and the pellet fireplace starts automatically!
● Increase the desired room temperature!
● Close the pellet reservoir cover!
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