Set input linearisation by
pressing ENTER for more
It is only necessary to scale the meter when it has been configured for process o load cell.
Scaling consist of assigning a display value to each input signal value.
n nonlinear processes it is possible to program up to 11 points input-display. Each two points are connected by a
straight line and the whole is a curve that represents the relationship between the input value and the display value.
Below the first point programmed, the relationship established between the two first points of the scale is fol-
lowed. Above the last point programmed, the relationship established between the two last points of the scale
is followed.
than 3 s
In linear processes it is achieved by programming two coor-
dinates (input1, display1) and (input2, display2), between
which is established a linear relation where to each input signal
value corresponds a display value.
The relationship can be direct or reversed. In order to obtain
more accuracy, points 1 and 2 should be located approximately
at both extremes of the process.
In order to obtain more accuracy in the measuring it is recom-
mended to program the highest possible number of points and
reduce the segment length.
Input values must always be programmed in an in-
creasing or decreasing order. Avoid assigning two dif-
ferent display values to two equals input values.
Display values can be entered in any order and even be repeat-
ed for different inputs.
Firmware Version 2.06
Range Display = –19999 to 99999
Firmware Versions 2.00 to 2.05
Range Display = –19999 to 39999
Note: the color selection of the alarms is
made in the setpoints menu (Page 90)