• Do not "jam" a cut-off wheel or
apply excessive pressure. Do
not attempt to make an excess-
ive depth of cut. Overstressing the
wheel increases the loading and sus-
ceptibility to twisting or snagging of the
wheel in the cut and the possibility of
kickback or wheel breakage.
• Do not position your hand in
line with and behind the rotat-
ing wheel. When the wheel, at the
point of operation, is moving away
from your hand, the possible kickback
may propel the spinning wheel and the
power tool directly at you.
• When wheel is pinched,
snagged or when interrupting
a cut for any reason, switch
off the power tool and hold
the power tool motionless until
the wheel comes to a complete
stop. Never attempt to remove
the cut-off wheel from the cut
while the wheel is in motion
otherwise kickback may occur.
Investigate and take corrective action
to eliminate the cause of wheel pinch-
ing or snagging.
• Do not restart the cutting op-
eration in the workpiece. Let
the wheel reach full speed and
carefully re-enter the cut. The
wheel may bind, walk up or kickback if
the power tool is restarted in the work-
• Support panels or any over-
sized workpiece to minimize
the risk of wheel pinching and
kickback. Large workpieces tend to
sag under their own weight. Supports
must be placed under the workpiece
near the line of cut and near the edge
of the workpiece on both sides of the
• Use extra caution when mak-
ing a "pocket cut" into existing
walls or other blind areas. The
protruding wheel may cut gas or water
pipes, electrical wiring or objects that
can cause kickback.
Safety Warnings Specific For Wire
Brushing Operations
• Be aware that wire bristles are
thrown by the brush even dur-
ing ordinary operation. Do not
overstress the wires by apply-
ing excessive load to the brush.
The wire bristles can easily penetrate
light clothing and/or skin.
• Allow brushes to run at oper-
ating speed for at least one
minute before using them.
During this time no one is to
stand in front or in line with the
brush. Loose bristles or wires will be
discharged during the run-in time.
• Direct the discharge of the spin-
ning wire brush away from
you. Small particles and tiny wire frag-
ments may be discharged at high velo-
city during the use of these brushes and
may become imbedded in your skin.
Residual risks
There will always be residual risks even
if you operate this power tool according
to the instructions. The following hazards
may occur in connection with the type and
design of this power tool:
• Eye damage if no suitable eye protec-
tion is worn.
• Lung damage if suitable respiratory
protection is not worn.
• Hearing damage if suitable ear protec-
tion is not worn.
• Health injuries resulting from the effect
of vibration on the hands and arms in
the event that the device is used over