End charging
Charging is stopped automatically when the battery
is fully charged.
Charging can also be cancelled manually.
On the vehicle
Release charging plug.
on the design front turns green permanently.
g For further information please consult your driver's
Via the My Porsche App
b Device overview opened in My Porsche App
1. Tap on Vehicle.
2. Select Charge.
3. End charging
on the design front turns green permanently,
g Refer to chapter "Displays and controls" on
page 34..
The respective state of charge is displayed in the
overview in the My Porsche App.
After charging has been stopped:
1. Disconnect the vehicle cable from the vehicle.
on the design front turns white.
2. Stow the vehicle cable securely on the Wallbox.
3. For the Porsche Wallbox with a charging socket:
Disconnect vehicle cable from Wallbox socket
and store in a safe location.
The plug may be locked automatically if a vehicle
connection is detected.
Configure powerline communication to the
For vehicles with enhanced communication, a vehi-
cle-to-grid connection (V2G) to the Wallbox can be
enabled or disabled in the web app via PLC.
When the Wallbox is put into operation for the first
time, PLC is enabled by default.
g You can find further information on the web app in
the digital manual at manual.porsche.com or in your
My Porsche App.
When using a vehicle that does not support en-
hanced communication, and V2G is enabled, charg-
ing may be delayed or disabled. If you are using such
a vehicle, the PLC connection should be disabled.
Charge | EN