Note – Even if you are familiar with Windows 95/NT and Solaris, we recommend
that you follow the instructions in the SunPCi User's Guide. There are certain ways in
which SunPCi behaves differently than a standard Windows PC, and the SunPCi
User's Guide contains information on the ways in which Solaris and Windows
The sections that follow explain how to perform the following procedures:
How to remove the SunPCi software
How to obtain warranty service
These sections appear for future reference. You will not need them to complete the
installation process.
Removing SunPCi Software
This section provides instructions for completely removing SunPCi software from
your system, should you ever want to do so.
To remove SunPCi software, follow these steps:
1. Become superuser on your system. Enter su, and then enter your superuser
password at the prompt.
2. Enter the following command to remove the SunPCi installation package:
# pkgrm SUNWspci
3. Enter exit to exit your superuser session.
SunPCi 1.1 Installation Guide • September 1999