Sun Microsystems SunPCi 1.1 Guide D'installation page 22

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  • FR

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  • FRANÇAIS, page 29
Removing the SunPCi 1.0 Package
Note – You only need to perform this procedure if you are upgrading from a
previous version of SunPCi (1.0). If you are not upgrading, then skip this procedure
and proceed to "Installing the SunPCi 1.1 Package" on page en-18.
The next step in preparing your system for a SunPCi upgrade is to run the pkgrm
program. This program removes the old SunPCi program files. To run pkgrm,
perform the following procedure:
1. Make certain you are still in a superuser session.
You must run pkgrm with superuser privileges.
2. Enter the following command:
# pkgrm SUNWspci
You are prompted to confirm the removal process.
3. Enter y to continue with the removal, and then type
The SunPCi package is removed from your system. You are notified when the
removal is complete. The system responds with the message Removal of
<SUNWspci> was successful.
4. Enter the exit command to end the superuser session.
You are returned to your normal user session.
Installing the SunPCi 1.1 Package
You can install the SunPCi software package on any system running Solaris™ 2.5.1,
2.6, or Solaris 7 software. The command you use depends on the Solaris version.
After you install the package, refer to the SunPCi 1.1 User's Guide for instructions on
how to install Windows NT Workstation 4.0 and Service Pack 4.
To install the SunPCi 1.1 package, perform the following procedure:
1. Open a command (terminal) window on the Solaris desktop.
2. Become superuser on the system on which you want to copy the SunPCi package.
SunPCi 1.1 Installation Guide • September 1999
y again to confirm.


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