5. Enter
Note – If the pkgadd program issues a BIOS Mismatch message, you will need to
flash (update) the BIOS on your SunPCi card. Refer to "Updating the BIOS" on page
en-20 for information on how to use the sunpciflash utility.
6. Type the
You are returned to your normal user session.
Updating the BIOS
The SunPCi software contains a utility for updating the BIOS on your SunPCi card.
This utility is located at /opt/SUNWspci/bin and is called sunpciflash. When
you are installing the SunPCi package and you receive a BIOS Mismatch warning,
you will need to perform this procedure. If you do not see this warning, you do not
need to update your BIOS.
When you start SunPCi, the revision number of the BIOS appears on the screen. For
example, you might see the message SunPCi BIOS Version 0.050.
Note – Make sure you exit SunPCi before running the sunpciflash utility.
If you need to update your BIOS, perform the following steps:
1. Become superuser on your workstation.
2. Type the following command:
# cd /opt/SUNWspci/bin
This places you in the directory where sunpciflash is located.
SunPCi 1.1 Installation Guide • September 1999
to exit the pkgadd program.
command to end your superuser session.