After the operational life of the machine is over, the owner of the machine is responsible for its disposal.
This may be performed in two ways:
a) Hand the machine over to an authorized company (scrap yard, secondary waste
collection point, etc.). You will receive documented confirmation of the handover for
b) Dispose of the machine yourself. In this case we recommend the following procedure:
} Dispose of the product utilising recyclable material according to the applicable waste
disposal law.
} Disassemble the entire machine.
} Parts that can be reused should be cleaned, preserved and stored for further use.
} Sort the remaining parts into those that are and are not environmentally friendly,
e.g. rubber parts (gaskets), lubricant remains in the bearings or on gears. The
environmentally harmful components must be handled according to the relevant
waste disposal law applicable in the country of the user, e.g. in the Czech Republic it
is the Waste Act No. 185/2001 Coll.
} Sort the waste according to the Wastes Catalogue in accordance with the relevant
ordinance. Ecologically friendly waste shall be treated as reusable material.
Tyre take back
Old and unused tyres are an ecological waste. Their disposal must be carried out in accordance with
national regulations. Authorised sales and service partners will take back the tyres at the end of their
service life within the scope of the take back program, or will advise you where to hand them over free
of charge (information about the take back program is available at www.seco-traktory.cz).