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Philips HDI 4000 Manuel De Référence page 132



Age gestationnel (A.G.)
Circonférence abdominale (CA)
Campbell, Professor Campbell's Group at Harris Birthright Centre, King's College
Hadlock, F., Deter, R.L., Harrist, R.B., Park, S.K. "Estimating Fetal Age: Compu-
ter-Assisted Analysis of Multiple Fetal Growth Parameters." Radiology, 1984, 152:
497-501. (Equations d'âge biométrique et de croissance)
Hansmann, Hackeloer, Staudach, Wittman. "Ultrasound Diagnosis in Obstetrics
and Gynecology." Springer-Verlag, New York, 1986, p.431.
Merz, E., Goldhofer, W., Timor-Tritsch, E. Ultrasound in Gynecology and Obste-
trics. Textbook and Atlas, 308-338, Georg Thieme Verlag, 1991.
Tokyo. Japan Journal of Medical Ultrasonics, Vol. 23, No. 12, 1996.
Diamètre abdominal antéro-postérieur (DAAP).
Hansmann, M., Hackeloer, Staudach, Wittman. Ultrasound Diagnosis in Obste-
trics and Gynecology" Springer Verlag, New York, 1986, p. 431. (or Ultraschallbio-
metrie im II. und III. Trimester der Schwangerschaft. Gynäkologe 9:133, 1976, p.
Diamètre bipariétal (BIP)
Campbell, Professor Campbell's Group at Harris Birthright Centre, King's College
Chitty, L.S., Altman, D.G. "New Charts for Ultrasound Dating of Pregnancy." Ultra-
sound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Vol. 10: 174-191, 1997. (Out-In and Out-Out)
Hadlock, F., Deter, R.L., Harrist, R.B., Park, S.K. "Estimating Fetal Age: Compu-
ter-Assisted Analysis of Multiple Fetal Growth Parameters." Radiology, 1984, 152:
497-501. (Equations d'âge biométrique et de croissance)
Hansmann, Hackeloer, Staudach, Wittman. "Ultrasound Diagnosis in Obstetrics
and Gynecology." Springer-Verlag, New York, 1986, p.440, Table 4.
Jeanty, P., Romero, R. "Obstetrical Ultrasound." McGraw-Hill Book Company,
pages 57-61, 1984.
Kurtz, Biometric in der Fruhgravidatat (I. Tremenon), Der Frauenazt, 32, 4/1991.
Merz, E., Goldhofer, W., Timor-Tritsch, E. Ultrasound in Gynecology and Obste-
trics. Textbook and Atlas, 308-338, Georg Thieme Verlag, 1991.
Sabbagha, R.E., et. al. "Standardization of Sonar Cephalometry and Gestational
Age." Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 52, No. 4: 403, Octobre, 1978.
HDI 4000 Manuel de référence

