Circonférence abdominale, Diamètre bipariétal (CA, BIP)
Hadlock, F., et. al. "Sonographic Estimates of Fetal Weight" Radiology,
Merz, E., Goldhofer, W., Timor-Tritsch, E.Ultrasound in Gynecology and Obste-
trics. Textbook and Atlas, Georg Thieme Verlag, 308-338, 1991.
Shepard, M., Richards, V., Berkowitz, R., Warsof, S., Hobbins, J. "An Evaluation of
Two Equations for Predicting Fetal Weight by Ultrasound." American Journal of
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 142, No. 1:47-54, 1er janvier, 1982.
Circonférence abdominale, Longueur fémorale (CA, LF) Hadlock1
Hadlock, F., Harrist, R.B., Sharman, R.S., Deter R.L., Park, S.K. "Estimation of
Fetal Weight with the use of Head, Body, and Femur Measurements-A Prospec-
tive Study." American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 151, No. 3: 333-
337, 1er févier 1985.
Circonférence abdominale, Diamètre bipariétal, Longueur fémorale (CA,
BIP, LF) Hadlock2
Hadlock, F., Harrist, R.B., Sharman, R.S., Deter R.L., Park, S.K. "Estimation of
Fetal Weight with the use of Head, Body, and Femur Measurements-A Prospec-
tive Study." American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 151, No. 3: 333-
337, 1er février 1985.
Circonférence abdominale, Longueur fémorale, Périmètre crânien (CA, LF,
PC) Hadlock3
Hadlock, F., Harrist, R.B., Sharman, R.S., Deter R.L., Park, S.K. "Estimation of
Fetal Weight with the use of Head, Body, and Femur Measurements-A Prospec-
tive Study." American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 151, No. 3: 333-
337, 1er février 1985.
Circonférence abdominale, Diamètre bipariétal, Longueur fémorale,
Périmètre crânien (CA, BIP, LF, PC) Hadlock4
Hadlock, F., Harrist, R.B., Sharman, R.S., Deter R.L., Park, S.K. "Estimation of
Fetal Weight with the use of Head, Body, and Femur Measurements-A Prospec-
tive Study." American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 151, No. 3: 333-
337, 1er février 1985.
HDI 4000 Manuel de référence