Stretching your thighs:
Sit down and stretch your right leg. Put your sole of your left foot on
the inside of your right thigh. Try to touch the toes of your right foot.
Keep the position for 15 seconds. Relax and repeat this exercise
with the left foot.
Stretching inner thigh:
Sit down and put the soles of your feet together while your knees
are showing outward. Pull both feet as close as possible to your lap.
With the elbows press carefully in direction of the ground. Keep the
position for 15 seconds.
Stretch sides:
Open your arms and put them over your head. Grab now with your
right arm for one count as far as possible in the direction of the
ceiling. Pay attention to the stretching of your right side. Repeat this
exercise with the left arm.
Stretch caps:
Lean with your arms against the wall, with the right leg in front of
the left one. Leave your left leg straight and the right leg relaxed on
the ground. Bend your right leg and lean forward by moving your
hip in the direction of the wall. Keep the position for 15 seconds and
repeat the exercise with the other leg.