Stretching Exercises
Warm up and Cool down:
A successful training is made of warming up, aerobic exercises and cooling down. Do the
entire program at least 2-3 times a week, with a day off between workout days. After a few
months, you can train 4-5 times a week.
Warming up is an important part of training and should be done before each start. It prepares
your body for difficult exercises by warming up your muscles and stretching. Also, it
stimulates your circulation and your pulse beat. Also, more oxygen enters your muscles.
Repeat those exercises at the end of your training to prevent muscle ache. We recommend
the warming up and cooling down exercises on the following pages:
Touching toes:
Slowly move forward from your waist. Leave your back and your
shoulders relaxed while you try to reach with your hands as far as
possible downward. Hold the deepest point for 15 seconds.
Lift shoulders:
Lift your right shoulder to your ear for one count. Then lift your left
shoulder to your ear for one count while you relax your right shoulder
Roll head:
Roll your head for one second to the right and pay attention to the
stretch in your left throat side. Then roll your head for one count to
the back by putting your chin up and leave your mouth open. Then
roll your head for one count to the left. Finally let your head fall to
your breast for one count.