Installing Cables and Connectors
Information for installing cables and connectors for the IND231/IND236 terminal is provided in this
section, including the following:
Connectors and Cable Glands
The IND231 uses standard (IEC320 C14) power socket and DSUB-9 connectors for RS-232
communication. Cable glands are used for load cell and option connections.
The IND236 terminal is designed to withstand severe wet environments. However, care must be
taken when installing cables and/or connectors that enter the terminal enclosure. To ensure a
watertight seal:
METTLER TOLEDO IND231/IND236 Installation Manual
Connectors and Cable Glands
Enclosure Opening Assignments
PCB Identification
Main Board Wiring Connections
AC Power Connection
Charging Board and Rechargeable Battery Pack Connections
Analog Load Cell connection
COM1 Serial Port Connection
Wiring Connections for Options
Before connecting wires, pass the cables through an appropriately sized cable gland. Figure
2-12 shows a cable gland with its clamping nut removed.
Depending upon the diameter of the cable to be installed, select (Table 2-1) one of the rubber
grommets (if required) to properly seal around the cable.
Figure 2-12: Cable Gland