Dismantling/Empty out the
Grass Collection Box:
4. Lift the impact protection (18)
and remove the grass collection
box (23).
5. Empty catchment basket (see
chapter „Disposal / Environmen-
tal Protection") and re-install it.
Level gauge
There is a filling level indicator (
on the grass collection box (
aerodynamic air flow of the flap also en-
sures optimal filling.
Flap open:
grass catcher empty
Flap closed:
grass catcher full
Mulch kit
Prior to using the mulch kit, the
lateral ejection canal has to be
removed. (see
Attaching mulch kit
1. Remove the collection box
23), if used.
2. Lift the impact protection (18).
3. Insert the mulch kit (29).
Remove mulch kit
4. Lift the impact protection (18).
5. Push the mulch kit handle to-
gether and remove the mulch kit
All manuals and user guides at
23). The
Lateral grass ejection
Before using the lateral grass
ejection, the mulch kit (
has to be inserted and the grass
collection box (
Install lateral ejection canal
1. Unlock the lateral impact protec-
tion (16) by pulling the locking
element (16a) to the left and
opening the lateral impact pro-
tection (16).
2. Mount the lateral ejection chan-
nel (30) and remove the lateral
impact protection (16). It holds
the side ejection channel (30) in
Filling with Engine Oil and
Checking the Oil Level
Place the equipment on a level
1. Unscrew the oil filler cap and dipstick
17) and pour oil into the tank. The
oil tank holds 470 ml oil. Use brand oil
(e.g. SAE 30).
2. To check the oil level, wipe the dip-
stick on a clean cloth and replace it in
the tank until it stops.
3. After pulling it out, read off the
oil level on the dipstick. The oil
level should be in the marked
area between the minimum and
maximum marks.
4. Wipe off any spilt oil and close
the oil filler cap (
Check the oil level every time be-
fore mowing and add oil when the
lower marking point is reached.
23) has to be