6. Startup
Check the filter for correct and proper installation.
The shut-off valves must not be opened yet. Check
the filter bottom part and rinsevalve to ensure cor-
rect fit. Close the rinsevalve. It should not used any
tool. Slowly open the shut-off valves before and after
the domestic waterstation and deaerate the piping
at the next tapping point after the domestic water-
station. Check the filter for leaks.
7. Operation
The filter must be checked at regular intervals, i.e. eve-
ry two months (according to DIN 1988) and also must
be rinsed. Water is a consumable liquid. When ex-
changing the filter, proper hygiene must be ensured.
If there is a noticeable drop of the pressure, caused by
increasing pollution of the filter cloth, the filterelement
must be replaced or cleaned. The filterelement must
be replaced or cleaned after 6 months at the latest
(according to DIN 1988).
Close the stop valves before and after the filter and
provide a collecting basin under the filter. Open rin-
sevalve for pressure relief and empty the filter. Open
the filter H/R bottom part with tool or rather the C/R
plastic bottom part per hand.
Clean the filter bottom part. The plastic parts may only
be cleaned with a soft, damp cloth. Do not use any
solvents or detergents nor acid cleaners.
Exchanging the filter element: Remove the filterelement
and clean or exchanged against a new filterelement.
Place the filterelement in the top section and screw
it with the bottom part. Close the rinsevalve. Slowly
open the stop valves, first those before, then those af-
ter the filter. Check the filter for proper sealing and
then deaerate the pipe at the bleeding point closest tot
he filter (after the filter).
8. Warranty
In the event of a failure during the warranty period,
please contact your contractual partner, the plumbing
company, stating the appliance type and the pro
duction number (see specifications and/or rating
plate of the appliance).
9. Operator responsibility
You bought a high quality product with a long life
time. To assure the function every technical equipment
needs to be serviced.
Regular back washing and checks oft he filter, as well
as leak tightness checks has to be done by the ope-
According to DIN 1988 Part 8 appendix B the filter
has to be regularly visual inspected, not later than 2
months. The filter has to be checked of leak tightness
and contamination. The filterelement has to be periodi-
cally, depending on operating conditions, but at least
every 6 months changed or cleaned.
Maintenance periods (change of parts):
According to DIN 1988, maintenance must be car-
ried out by expert technical staffs who also replace
the parts subject to wear and tear. We recommend
closing a maintenance contract. This is carried out by
the installer or manufacturer.
every 3 years