General information
For reasons of clarity the manual does not contain all of the detailed information
relating to the product and cannot cover every possible case relating to installation,
operation or maintenance.
Furthermore, we should like to point out that the contents of the manual do not con-
stitute part of a past or existing agreement, promise, or legal relationship nor are
they intended to modify these. All of the obligations of Siemens AG derive from the
purchase contract in question, which also includes the full and solely valid warranty
provisions. These contractual warranty provisions are neither extended nor further
limited by the information in the manual.
The contents reflect the technical state at time of going to press. The right is
reserved to make technical changes during the course of further development.
This unit has left the factory in perfect condition as regards safety. To retain this and
to ensure the unit also operates safely the user should comply with the instructions
and observe the warnings in the manual.
Exclusion of liability
The user is responsible for all changes made on the device, provided that these are
not explicitly mentioned in the manual.
Qualified personnel
Installation and operation of devices is to be carried out only by qualified personnel.
Qualified personnel are defined within the context of the safety information contained
in the manual as persons who have been authorized to operate, earth and label the
device, systems and circuits in accordance with accepted technical safety standards.
Operating instructions