Job menu
Create/start a job or call up data from a stored job
When the Job menu is opened, the most recently
started job appears.
Information on max. 20 jobs can be stored (job
numbers 1 to 20).
To create a new job, select a job number
(Fig. 9/1).
Enter name
Enter note
Delete the data for the selected job
Start the job so that the generated
data can be stored with this job
Enter target value, if desired.
Delete daily data
Worked area (ha/day)
Quantity produced (quantity/day)
Calculated when the target value is
Work time (hours/day).
Stored jobs can be called up with
and restarted with
Amatron+ BAG0055.0 08.07
The Job menu allows you to:
• create and start (or continue) individual jobs.
• call up stored data on a job. Information on max. 20 jobs can be
stored (job numbers 1 to 20).
If the Job menu is called up, the data for the most recently started job
will be displayed.
When starting or continuing a job, the current job is
automatically ended and stored.
Fig. 30