You can fix small tears in the middle of the airfoil with a sailcloth repair kit (patch both sides).
Tears along seams (important to the strength of the canopy).
The lines and the canopy must be checked for damage at regular intervals.
When you pack your paraglider away take special care not to kink the lines unnecessarily.
Use the following method:
Packing the glider
The lines lengths should be checked after any unusual strain, such as being tangled up in a tree
with your canopy, and when any change in the flight characteristics occur.
Damaged lines must be replaced with original spare parts. In no circumstances may the lines be
"fixed" by tying a knot!
Should you ever find yourself in the awkward position of having to open the line links, make sure
you arrange the lines in the right order when you reattach them and install the line bundler as
shown in the sketch.