Operating instructions
Equipment description
Flat-plate collector SOL 23 plus
The flat-plate collector for roof integration
converts light (radiation) into heat. The light
penetrates the glass cover. This is made from
pre-stressed, highly transparent single pane
safety glass. The light strikes the absorber
and is converted into heat. The highly
selective vacuum coating of the absorber
and the thermal insulation on the back of the
absorber reduce heat losses to the ambience
to a minimum. The circulating heat transfer
medium is pumped to the DHW cylinder,
thus transferring the energy generated by
the collector in the form of heat. Under
certain operating conditions (e.g. large DHW
cylinder with low temperature vis-à-vis the
environment or if the atmospheric humidity is
high), the inside of the collector may mist up.
Ventilation facilities are provided on the side of
the collector.
The flat-plate collector for roof integration
is set into the roof (min. roof slope 30°). A
continuous collector array ensures that the roof
remains leakproof. The collectors may be fitted
either next to each other or above each other.
The collector is designed for a rafter roof with
a tensioned underlay and for tiled cover.
What to do if . . .
Fault/error message at the controller.
Pressure fluctuations in the system.
Collectors mist up.
The pump does not run, even though the
collector is warmer than the cylinder (neither
motor noise nor vibrations are discernible).
The pump is running, but no flow rate is
discernible at the flow meter with balancing
valve. The flow and return temperatures are
identical or the cylinder temperature does not
rise or rises only slowly.
for users and contractors
Maintenance and care
The solar heating system should be inspected
annually by a local contractor to ensure that
the system, including the safety equipment and
cylinder, functions correctly.
The parts of the system exposed to the weather
must also be checked to ensure that they are
in acceptable condition (mounting fixtures,
thermal insulation, dirt, etc).
Every year the local contractor must check the
pH value (> 7) of the heat transfer medium and
ensure that it is protecting the system against
frost (-30 °C), and changed, if necessary, or
topped up with H-30 L or H-30 LS via the filler
inlet in the SOKI.
If the heat transfer medium needs to be
drained to carry out maintenance or repair
work, this work must be carried out by a
qualified contractor.
During such operations, cover the collectors
with opaque material.
Generally, solar collectors require no cleaning,
as they are largely self-cleaning. In case of
severe contamination (e.g. dust or avian
excrement), the surface can be cleaned with
fresh water (not during strong sunlight).
System fault; sensor faulty or incorrectly
Immediately after commissioning: Air pockets in
the solar circuit.
Moisture ingress during storage.
Maximum cylinder or collector temperature
exceeded. Indicator lamp or
display at the controller activated.
No electrical power.
Excessive temperature differential (>15 °C)
selected or the controller does not work.
Pump shaft blocked.
Pump contaminated.
Sensor not OK or incorrectly installed.
There is air in the pipework.
System pressure too low.
System contaminated.
Important information
System pressure
The pressure gauge in the SOKI's heat transfer
medium circuit should be checked regularly.
Display (set value): 3.5 to 4 bar when the
system is cold (below 30 °C).
Notify your local contractor if actual values
differ from the set values.
Only top up with H-30 L or H-30 LS.
Shutting the equipment down
The Stiebel Eltron solar heating system is
designed so that, even if no hot water is drawn
off for a prolonged period (e.g. during summer
holidays), no special maintenance measures
are required.
Never switch off the control unit or the pump
to prevent overheating.
The heat transfer medium must not be drained
off by the system user when the system is shut
All installation and assembly work
must be carried out by approved
See installation and operating instructions of the controller.
Vent the system again.
The internal mist will evaporate after a few weeks in operation by
moisture progressively escaping through the integral ventilation slots.
The controller has shut down correctly and restarts again
automatically when the actual temperature drops below their
selected maximum temperature.
Check cables and fuses.
• Check controller.
• Check temperature sensor.
• Reduce temperature differential.
Briefly switch over to max. speed or insert a screwdriver into the slot
and turn manually.
Dismantle and clean the pump. Close throughput limiter and pump
ball valve.
Check sensor position, installation and curves; collector sensor must
be fully inserted into the sensor well.
Check the system pressure. Operate the pump in intervals at
maximum pump rate. Open the air vent valves at the collector, at the
pump and at the solar cylinder and vent these components.
Should this not provide an improvement:
• Flush the system in both directions; clean fitted components such as
the flow meter with the balancing valve and the dirt trap.
• Check the routing of lines; where a switchback effect occurs, e.g.
on projecting balconies or when bypassing water lines, change the
routing of the lines, if necessary, or fit additional air vent valves.
• Check that the air vent valves operate correctly. For this, unscrew
the protective cap and check the float with a blunt needle to ensure
it moves easily. If necessary, change the air vent valve.