Addition of chemcial additives at first start-up
Please refer to the Jacuzzi system water treatment guide and relative
catalogue for details on water quality maintenance, the methods and
warnings governing the use of relative chemical products.
ATTENTION: Read and follow all the instructions related to
the use and storage methods of chemical products, in strict
compliance with the manufacturer's instructions provi-
ded on the packaging.
ATTENTION! Do not use trichlorine tablets! This can da-
mage the components of the hot tub and cause burning and
irritation to the skin and mucous membranes.The use of the-
se chemicals will void the manufacturer's warranty.
Do not get in the spa until the quantity of disinfectant
has not dropped below the level recommended by the
manufacturer and/or by your retailer.
- While chemically treating the water, leave the cover open so as to
get rid of the excess vapours released by the chemical products.
- Protecting pillows and plastic knobs from chemical at-
- If spa is indoors, open doors and windows for proper ventila-
tion. Turn on all spa jet pumps for 1 hour, open all air controls,
and place all massage selector knob(s) in their center "combo"
Set Spa To Heat
To warm spa water to a comfortable temperature, follow these
The display on the control panel displays the actual temperature
of the spa water. Tap
the water temperature in 1 degree increments.
The heater will turn off 1 degree above set temperature and turn
on 2 degrees below set temperature.
Important Heater Details:
The maximum temperature for which the spa can be set is 40°C
(104°F) and the minimum is 18,33°C (65°F).
Setting the thermostat at maximum will not accelerate the heat-
ing process. This will only result in a higher ultimate tempera-
Place Cover On Spa
Keeping the insulating cover in place anytime the spa is not in
use will reduce the time required for heating, thereby minimiz-
ing operating costs.
The time required for initial heat-up will vary depending on the
starting water temperature.
) or
) to increase or decrease