Table des Matières


Please refer to the motor operating manual for the re-
commended viscosity.
MOSA recommends selecting AGIP engine oil.
Refer to the label on the motor for the recommended
To check the oil level:
1. Remove the oil-fill tap
(24) and clean the dip-
stick (23).
2. Insert the dip-stick into
the oil filler without
screwing it in.
3. If the oil level is low, fill
with recommended oil
up to the top of the oil
The "Oil Alert" system is designed to prevent damage to
the motor due to an insufficient quantity of oil in the cup.
This system automatically shuts off the motor before the
oil level falls below the safety limit.
If the motor does not start up again after shutting itself
off, check the oil level.
Gasoline is highly flammable. Refuel
with motor shut off in a flat surfaced
well-ventilated area. Do not refuel in the
presence of flames. Avoid spilling fuel.
Any eventual spilled fuel and fumes are
flammable. Clean any dispersions of fuel
before starting up the motor.
Fill the tank with gasoline for automobiles (preferably lead
free or with low lead content in order to reduce deposits
in the combustion chamber to a minimum).
For further details on the type of gasoline to use, see the
motor operating manual supplied.
Do not fill the tank completely; leave a space of approx.
10 mm between the fuel level and the wall of the tank to
allow for expansion.
Set-up for operation
Oil fill tap / dip-
Upper oil level
Check that the dry air filter is correctly installed and that
there are no leaks around the filter which could lead to
infiltrations of non-filtered air to the inside of the motor.
Do not use the machine if it is not in good technical
The machine must be in good working order before
being used. Defects, especially those which regard
the safety of the machine, must be repaired before
using the machine.
Do not use without protective devices provided
Removing or disabling protective devices on the
machine is prohibited.


The group is not fitted with differential switch, Therefore,
the machine MUST NOT be intentionally connected to
earth, attaching cables must be of 3 wires and the elec-
trical equipment on which it being used must have an
extension length limited to 100-200 metres. This limitation
of circuit extension length is fundamental for safety.
The cables must be SUITED to the environment in which
they are to be used. Bear in mind that at temperatures
below 5°C PVC cables become rigid and the PVC
insulation tends to split at the first crease.
Using double insulated equipment is advisable, this is
identifiable by the symbol
In addition, supplying only one tool at a time, the
protection against indirect contact is assured by
"electrical separation".
If the machine is designed to supply circuits with more
complex or located in potentially Electric particular is re-
quired to interpose between the plug and load a complete
picture of distribution of all electrical protections required
by regulations relating to electrical installations.
For example: you can use a distribution system TN-S.
In this case one of the phases, used as a neutral must be
grounded, must be mounted within a differential switch
(ID) bipolar 30mA, input jacks that are connected to ap-
pliances, terminal on the generating set to be used as
earth connection, earthing of the installation where you
go to work.
WARNING: Connect the generator neutral to ground the
first ID.
and for having no earth


Table des Matières

Table des Matières