12 Slide the rear glass tray skirt over the tab on the back wall of the firebox. When in place it will form an
even edge with the glass tray.
13 Two light shields are included with this kit to prevent light from exiting the sides of the front glass tray
skirt. Place the shield as shown in the photos below (for both sides).
14 Slide the front glass tray skirt over the front edge of the glass tray. When in place it will form an even
edge with the glass tray and side firebacks.
© Travis Industries
(pour des installateurs qualifiés seulement)
NOTE: The enamel firebacks may
have a slight warp due to the
enameling process. Make sure this
edge maintains an even ¼" gap. If
needed, use a piece of glass media to
shim the skirt to insure correct