D swp (differential)
D-factor for swashplate
Default setting: +0
The D swp D-factor influences the how the swashplate is stopped.
If the helicopter bounces somewhat when nick is stopped, this parameter should first be increased in 5-degree increments
to test the nick stop.
Speedflight optimisation
Default setting: +20
When the helicopter is flying quickly in a straight line, it should fly precisely in one line/at one altitude and not in a wave
form. If the helicopter flies in a wave form, the value can be increased until the helicopter flies straight. This parameter
should generally not be changed.
Hovering stabilisation
High = stable hovering even when windy
Normal = normal stability when hovering
Low = agile for extreme 3D flying style
Tail rotor setting without Expertmode
>Tail sensitiv. (5)K9
Tail sensitivity
Tail sensitivity: 1 – 10, MIN or K5 – K16
Default setting: 5
The "Tail sensitiv." row allows you to specify a sensitivity setting either using the values 1 to 10 or by assigning a channel
(K5 to K16) with a proportional control, which is used to control the value. Once you have found a satisfactory setting,
this value can be applied as a fixed value by pressing the "right" or "left" button.
Different settings can then be used to adjust the sensitivity based on specific flight phases.
If the tail swings up, the corresponding value must be reduced.
Tail rotor setting with Expertmode
>Tail sensitiv.
P tail
I tail
D tail
Collect. torque
Cycl torque
(See above for tail sensitivity menu item)
P tail
Tail P-factor
Default setting: +80
The P tail option is responsible for effecting a harder stop with the tail. Higher values result in a faster stop. If the P values
are too high, the tail will start to "oscillate". In such cases, the value must be reduced again.