Press the rubber grommets and metal spacers into the mounting lugs of the servos,
as shown in the photo. Mark and drill 1.5 mm Ø pilot-holes for the servo retaining
Connect the servo leads to the longer extension leads (350 mm) and secure each
connection with a drop of cyano or a heat-shrink sleeve. Draw the leads through the
wing panels, so that the connectors exit the holes in the root ribs.
Place the aileron servos in the wing panels as shown in the following photo, and fit
the retaining screws to secure them.
The ailerons are attached using "hairy" hinges. We recommend that you draw a
centreline on each hinge using a pencil. Apply a few drops of thin cyano to the top
and bottom of each hinge, and push them into the slots in the wings as far as the
marked centreline. Allow the glue to set hard, then push the ailerons onto the
projecting hinges to a depth of about 2 mm. Apply a few drops of thin cyano to the
top and bottom of each hinge, and push the ailerons fully onto the hinges, leaving a
gap about 0.5 mm wide along the hinge axis.
Mark the position of the horns on the ailerons and drill 2 mm Ø holes at the marked
points. Please note the following: on the one hand the pushrods must run parallel to
the outside face of the servo; on the other the aileron pushrod linkage holes must be
in line with the hinge pivot axis.
Fix the horns to the ailerons using the screws and plastic spreader plates supplied in
the kit. Tighten the retaining screws just to the point where the horns are firmly fixed,
but take care not to over-tighten them. Snip off excess screw length on the top
surface using side-cutters, then file the ends back flush with the spreader plates.
Fit an M2 locknut and a clevis onto the threaded end of each aileron pushrod.
Connect the clevises to the second hole (from the outside) of the aileron horns.
Set the servo to centre, and use a felt-tip pen to mark the point on the pushrod where
it crosses the linkage hole in the servo output arm.
Bend the pushrod at right-angles at the marked point, then cut off the excess rod so
that it projects about 1.5 mm beyond the retainer clip. Repeat with the second
Any inaccuracy in bending the pushrods can be corrected later by screwing the
clevises in or out on the threaded rods, or by adjusting the servo centre setting at the
transmitter. Tighten the locknuts against the clevises when the settings are correct.
Slip a ring of silicone fuel tubing over each clevis to prevent the jaws springing open
Drill holes in the undercarriage mounts for the saddle clamp retaining screws, as
shown in the photos, ensuring that the spacing of the holes relative to the
undercarriage units is the same right and left.
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