Setting the temperature parameter
A temperature in the range between 1 °C and 10 °C can be set in
the parameters. If the water temperature drops below the set
temperature, the filter pump switches on and runs in stage 1. The
speed in stage 1 must be set at least so that a water flow exists in
the complete system. The pump does not switch off again until the
temperature is 2 °C warmer than the set temperature.
If winter operation is selected, the filter must be emptied and
prepared for the winter on site. If winter operation is selected, the
filter must be emptied and prepared for the winter on site. The
filter's emptying valve must be open for as long as winter
operation is active. In the event of a power failure, the BADU
Omni actuating drive conducts a trial run and the filter would fill up
with water again.
EN 51