back on. Solar temperature indicates the current temperature of
the sun sensor.
The actual regulation of the solar function can be set with the
Parameters button.
Operating mode: You can switch between solar, heating
and thermal heat pump with Operating mode.
Tmin Solar: Enable/start temperature of sun sensor; If this
value is exceeded at the sensor and the other conditions are
also satisfied, the controller switches the heating relay on. If
the temperature at the sensor drops below this value by 5 °C,
the heating relay switches back off.
∆T Solar On/Off: Switch-on/switch-off temperature
difference; The actual temperature regulation takes place
here. If ∆T On is reached, the heating relay switches on. If
the temperature difference drops to ∆T Off, the heating relay
is switched back off. If the set temperature difference is too
small, this can lead to ineffective operation depending on the
unit and position of the sensor.
Solar time lag: Switch-off delay time due to clouds/shade;
After the switch-off conditions for the solar pump are reached
and the solar pump should really switch off, it continues
running for the time set here. If the switch-off conditions are
no longer fulfilled during the lag time, the pump does not
switch off after the set time. This prevents the unit from
switching off due to brief shadowing such as clouds.
Solar lead time: Switch-on delay time on dull days with brief
periods of sunshine; When all the switch-on conditions for
switching on the solar pump are satisfied, the solar pump is
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