Plumbing Floor Detail
Using the dimensioned layout plan, drive a stake into the exact
location of each nozzle. Please note that dimensions indicate
from finish, not excavation. Allow for thickness of wall. All
piping under the floor of the pool must be Schedule 40 PVC
or equivalent. Use 45 degree fittings instead of 90 degree
whenever possible or when practical. Paramount recommends
the use of a "hot box" which enables you to shape and form the
pipe to almost any configuration you need. In areas such as
down slope of a break or in the diving bowl, the "hot box" can
eliminate fittings and save a lot of time.
The system is designed to be installed via six (6), nine (9) or
twelve (12) feed lines from the water valve to banks of heads
containing one (1) or more nozzles each. The feed lines are
to be 2". Paramount recommends that the feed lines enter
at the center of length of pool. by doing this, a niche can be
excavated to the bottom of pool depth at that location. This
large niche allows ample room for the feed lines. There are
occasions when it may be advantageous to feed part of the
lines in places other than the center. however, as a rule,
this will provide for the least amount of pipe. The lines will
then feed the banks of nozzles. At each floor nozzle location,
install a 2-1/2" Schedule 40 PVC riser pipe. Use a 2-1/2" x
2 reducing elbow or a 2-1/2" 90 degree elbow and reduce
down to 2" at the joint. All pipes should have a minimum of
2" of cover. Trenches should be backfilled and raked smooth.
Paramount recommends soaking and tamping the ground. It
is imperative that the stub-up angle be 90 degrees from the
finished floor angle. Verify and readjust prior to placing gunite
or concrete shell.
Cap all lines and pressure test to a minimum of 35 psi. Install
the pressure-testing device at the equipment header or on one
of the stub-up pipes in the pool floor. Pressure should remain on
system throughout construction.