Start Up - Remove Pressure Test Plugs, Install Baskets & Lids
1. Remove all pressure test plugs.
before installing the module, startup the pump and run without
the module in place to clear any debris from the feed lines. After
the module is installed and before installing the nozzles, run the
water valve to clean out any debris in the cleaning circuits. If a
circuit has more than one nozzle, alternate blocking off all but one
1. Turn off the pump
4. Set module into base
7. Place dome over module. Secure
dome and base with band clamp
2. Install all baskets and lids.
Valve Installation
nozzle on that circuit one at a time to clean out any debris. Use of
the pause control will hold the valve on that port while doing this.
The equipment needs to run for a minimum of ten minutes before
installing the valve module.
2. Remove clamp and dome
5. Turn module slightly until it sits in place
lined up with guide pins
8. While tightening band clamp, lightly tap
clamp with a screwdriver or wrench
3. Clean and install base o-ring
7. Turn water valve to "RUN" position
9. Inspect for leaks