LAN Network
When you connect a PC to a StecaGrid Connect you effectively create a local area
network (LAN). A simple LAN can consist of only a PC and a StecaGrid Connect.
Another example of a LAN is a wireless network (WLAN).
Every device connected to a LAN must be assigned a subnet mask and an IP ad-
dress. The devices use the IP addresses and the subnet masks for communicat-
Subnet masks
The postcodes of the network
You can compare the subnet masks used in a network with the postcode of a
building. The postcode specifies the district and street of the building. When you
send a packet to this building, the postal company can find the district and street
of the building from the postcode. In computer networks, the subnet mask is used
to recognize which "house numbers" (IP addresses) belong to which district (LAN
subnet). For example, this can be the same LAN, a different LAN, or the Internet.
The IP address specifies the "house number" to which the Ethernet packet is to be
Since the subnet mask specified the "postcode" of the LAN, all devices con-
nected to the same LAN must have the same subnet mask.
A subnet mask always consists of four numbers separated by full-stops. Every
number must lie between 0 and 55. In most cases the number is either 0 or 55.
Examples of correct submasks are:
• (for up to 65534 devices / computers in the network)
• (for up to 54 devices / computers in the network)
IP addresses
The "house number" of the device
You can compare the IP address of a device with the house number of a building.
The house number specifies the location of a building in a street. When you send
a packet to this building, the postal company uses the house number to find the
building in a street. In the same manner, the IP address specifies the network loca-
tion of the device to which the Ethernet packet is to be sent.
Since the IP address is the "house number", every device connected to the same
LAN must have a unique IP address.
An IP address always consists of four numbers separated by full-stops. IP address-
es are used in almost all computer networks and in the Internet. To avoid overlap-
ping addresses with computers in public networks (e.g. web servers), so-called
"private address ranges" are reserved and you can use these for your own network.
Depending on the subnet mask, you can use the following addresses (extract from
commonly available ranges):
• –
• –
You should always use 19.168 as the first two numbers.
Relationship between IP address and subnet mask
The range of available IP addresses in a LAN depends on the subnet mask of the
network. If the number 55 appears in the subnet mask, then the corresponding
number in the IP addresses of all devices in the LAN must be the same.
71.716 | 07.06