Please note that you will not be able to select your computer's microphone as the
default if it is disconnected (unplugged). If this is the case with your computer, then
you can skip this step. It is not critical and it will not have any affect on the operation
of the SignaLink.
NOTE: If the SignaLink's sound card is listed as the
If the SignaLink's sound card is listed as the "Default Communication Device"
If the SignaLink's sound card is listed as the
If the SignaLink's sound card is listed as the
(indicated by a green colored telephone handset icon), then if possible, we suggest
(indicated by a green colored telephone handset icon), then if possible,
(indicated by a green colored telephone handset icon), then if possible,
(indicated by a green colored telephone handset icon), then if possible,
setting another device ( such as a modem) as the Default Communication Device.
setting another device ( such as a modem) as the Default Communication Device. If this
setting another device ( such as a modem) as the Default Communication Device.
setting another device ( such as a modem) as the Default Communication Device.
is not possible, then you can leave it set to the SignaLink's sound card.
is not possible, then you can leave it set to the S
is not possible, then you can leave it set to the S
is not possible, then you can leave it set to the S
noticed any negative affects from doing this.
noticed any negative affects from doing this.
noticed any negative affects from doing this.
noticed any negative affects from doing this.
NOTE: Do NOT use your communications program's "Set Transmit Levels" ("Transmitter
Drive", etc.), or "Set Receive Levels" ("Waterfall Drive", etc.) menus, as these do not seem
to work properly in Windows 7 or Windows 8.
1. As shown in the figure below, right-click the speaker icon located on the Windows Task Bar
and select "Open Volume Mixer".
2. In the Volume Mixer window that opens, click the drop-down menu below the speaker
icon. If you are using the SignaLink USB, then select "Speakers (USB Audio Codec)" as
shown below. If you are using the SignaLink SL-1 or SL-1+, then you will need to select
your computer's sound card since these products do not have a built-in sound card.
Setting the software Playback Levels
"Default Communication Device"
"Default Communication Device"
"Default Communication Device"
ignaLink's sound card. We have not
ignaLink's sound card.
ignaLink's sound card.
we suggest
we suggest
we suggest
If this
If this
If this
We have not
We have not
We have not