The following techniques can be used:
Mouth-to-mouth ventilation
Mouth-to-nose ventilation
Mouth-to-mask ventilation
Resuscitator /mask ventilation
To ventilate ensure there is free access to the airway by using the head tilt and jaw thrust/
chin lift manoeuvre, see 9.1 and 9.2.
The movements of the chest can be clearly observed during insufflation and expiration.
The insufflated volume is displayed directly on the monitoring instrument. The expired air
can be felt and heard from the mouth and nose of the manikin with no risk of infection, as
the air is the same as that insufflated by the trainee into the head bag, see 9.3.
Accidental stomach inflation is simulated and can be observed in the stomach region and
viewed directly on the monitoring instrument.
NOTE: Remember to change head bags and face pieces for each new trainee.
6.2. Compression ⑩
External chest compression can be practised, and the depth of compression will be
displayed on the monitoring instrument in millimetres. It is possible to adjust the stiffness
of the chest to simulate a patient with a soft, normal or hard chest.
To ensure that the correct point of compression is applied during chest compression, the
instrument also provides indication of incorrect hand positioning, see 10.1.
The carotid pulse can be felt on both sides of the neck if simulated manually by the
instructor, see 10.2.
6.3. Removal of Face piece ⑪
Pull the ears outwards to release them from the two prongs on each side of the skull. Pull
the mask upwards by the ears until free of skull, see 11.1.
6.4. Removal of Head bag ⑪
Grab the bag on each side, but avoid closing the opening. Pull bag slowly upwards,
twisting from side to side if necessary, to facilitate removal, see 11.2.
7. Cleaning and disinfection
With the patented hygienic system of Ambu, incorporating exchangeable face piece and
head bag, no internal cleaning and disinfection is necessary.
7.1. Head bag
The head bag is disposable and should always be discarded after training.
7.2. Face piece
The face piece may be reused after cleaning and disinfection. Remove the dental insert by
pulling it from the face piece, see 12.1 and 12.2.
7.3. Manual cleaning
A. Rinse face piece and dental insert in clean water.
B. Wash items in warm water, max. 65 °C (150 °F), use a mild detergent.
C. Rinse thoroughly in clean water to remove all traces of detergent.
7.4. Machine washing
The face pieces can be washed in an ordinary washing machine. Apply normal dose of
detergent and choose a washing programme with maximum temperature of 70 °C (158 °F).
In order to avoid the dental inserts rattling against the drum of the washing machine, the
face pieces can be placed in a bag made of loosely woven fabric.
7.5. Disinfection
After separating and cleaning the face piece and dental insert, disinfection can be
performed as follows:
A. Place the items in a sodium hypochlorite solution with minimum 500 ppm freely
accessible chlorine (1/4 a cup of liquid household bleach per gallon (approx. 4 litres) of tap
water for 10 minutes). This solution must be fresh and should be discarded after use.
B. Place the items in a 70% alcohol chlorhexidine solution for 2 minutes (70% Ethylalcohol
and 0.5% chlorhexidine). This method of disinfection is recommended by the Australian
Resuscitation Council.
C. Chemical disinfection can also be performed using recognised disinfectants suitable for
use with polyvinylchloride (PVC). The supplier's directions on dosage and disinfection
period should be closely followed.
D. Always rinse the items in clean water after disinfection and allow to dry before storing.
NOTE: The face pieces must not be exposed to boiling, autoclaving or gas sterilisation.
7.6. Cleaning of skull, neck and body
The skull, neck and body of the manikin should be wiped over with a cloth moistened in a
mild detergent and then wiped over once more using a cloth moistened in clean water.
When washing, never allow detergent or water to enter the skull, body or instrument unit.
If necessary, cover the connection between body and instrument unit with a cloth.
Marks on the manikin left by lipstick or ball pen can penetrate the material and should
therefore be removed as quickly as possible using alcohol.
7.7. Cleaning of clothing
The training suit is made of 50% cotton and 50% polyester and is washable at max. 40 °C (105 °F).