8. Selection button (red LED on) for the re-
gulation of the current from the front panel
or from the remote control
Note: With the system in H2O confi gu-
ration, keep this button pressed for 5
seconds: the LED will start fl ashing and
the display (pos. 3) will show the messa-
ge "H2O" for a few seconds. Soon after,
the equipment performs an inspection to
make sure the hydraulic circuit to cool the
welding torch is functioning well. When
cooling fl uid pressure/fl ow is not suffi -
cient, the display will show the message
"H2O" again, the yellow alarm LED (pos.
11) will start fl ashing and the welding pro-
cess will be interrupted. To return to the
air version of the system confi guration (no
cooling unit and H2O torch), keep button
8 pressed for 5 seconds. The red LED
that was fl ashing will now remain on.
9. Selection button (red LED on) for the vi-
sualization of welding voltage or current
on the appliance
10. Power voltage present (green LED on)
11. Thermal protection intervention (yellow
LED on)
Note: With the system in H2O confi gura-
tion, the yellow LED will start fl ashing to
warn of insuffi cient cooling fl uid pressure/
fl ow and the welding process will be in-
WARNING: When the yellow LED is on,
do not cut off power from the current
generator, as this would interrupt ven-
tilation to the overheated parts. When
the LED goes off, the welding process
may continue.
12. Indicates the absence of voltage between
the output (+) and (-) clamps of the live
generator (green LED, pos. 10, on). The
red LED will light up:
* when the electrode welding (MMA) with
active VRD function (ON) is completed;
* when the TIG arc-off welding is com-
pleted and the torch button is released
* due to the intervention of internal protec-
tions of the generator or for other defects.
13. Anomalies on the power voltage.
14. Selection button (red LED on) for TIG or
MMA welding procedure.
15. Selection button for 2T or 4T torch (red
LED on); press the button again and the
red LED will start fl ashing and will switch
to 2T or 4T pulsed mode (depending on