• T air inlet (air temperature in outside air con-
nector) > T supply air min cooling → T supply
air min. cooling [} 44] + T air inlet hysteresis
To prevent the circulating pump from synchron-
ising, the temperature at the air inlet must be
greater than the minimum air inlet temperature by
the set amount of hysteresis.
Switching off brine CP
The air is no longer cooled if one of the following
conditions is met:
● T
(room temperature) < set maximum room
temperature → Room temperature adjustment
[} 43]
● T air inlet (air temperature in outside air con-
nector) < T supply air min cooling → T supply air
min. cooling [} 44]
The circulating pump switches off if the temperat-
ure at the T air inlet sensor falls below the min-
imum T air inlet because the minimum supply air
temperature T supply air min. cooling cannot be
With a regulated pump, when the switch-on tem-
perature is reached, a defined voltage is set so
that the T supply air min. cooling is reached. The
temperature can then be maintained with the min-
imum use of energy. The pump is switched off as
soon as the defined voltage falls to 0 V, as input
on the control.
9.9 Zone ventilation (ZP1)
Additional circuit board ZP 1 = accessories for
ventilation units:
WS 310/410, WS 320/470, WS 170, WS 160 Flat,
WS 300 Flat
To activate, switch additional circuit board 1 to
zone ventilation with the DIP switches and set the
Zone ventilation parameter to yes.
Parameters: Zone ventilation
Set value: no / yes
Parameters: Reducing volumetric flow
Set value: 0 ... 30 ... 60 %
Parameters: Sensor zone 1
Set value: 0 ... 4
Parameters: Sensor zone 2
Set value: 0 ... 4
Parameters: Rotational direction
Set value: right
Parameters: Deviation from middle position
Set value: -90 ... 0 ... 90 °
Parameters: Deviation from end stop Zone 1*
Set value: 0 ... 90 °
Parameters: Deviation from end stop Zone 2*
Set value: -90 ... 0 °
*Positive values in direction of zone 2, Negative
values in direction of zone 1
The zone ventilation distributes the air volumes
over two room zones (external zone shutter
If Auto Time operating mode is selected, the vent-
ilation time programme (→ Ventilation time pro-
gramme [} 42]) runs with the time windows and
ventilation levels programmed for zone 1 and
zone 2.
If zone ventilation is activated, the volumetric flow
is reduced by the set percentage.
Zone ventilation with sensor control
Only wired sensors can be used (CO2, VOC,
humidity types).
If sensors are installed in both zones, a sensor
control can be set → Ventilation time programme
[} 42], ventilation time programme, Zone Sensor
The room zone saved in the time programme or
the room zone with the poorer measured air qual-
ity receives the larger air volume. The other zone
receives the minimum air exchange needed for
This can be adapted to the requirements by chan-
ging the limit stops of the zone shutter.
Configure zone ventilation as follows
• Same pressure losses in both supply air chan-
• Pressure losses of less than 50 Pa
9.10 3-way air shutter (ZP 1)
Additional circuit board ZP 1 = accessories for
ventilation units
WS 310/410, WS 320/470 and WS 170.
To activate, switch additional circuit board 1 to 3-
way air shutter with the DIP switches and set the
3-way air shutter to yes.
Parameters: 3-way air shutter
Set value: No / Yes
Parameters: Lower temperature limit
Set value: -10 ... 5 ... 10°C
Parameters: Upper temperature limit
Set value: 15 ... 20 ... 30°C
Parameters: Hysteresis
Set value: 2 ... 6 K
9 Unit settings menu