Example WS 170, WS 160 Flat, Trio:
NV 90 → RV 60 → IV 120
The IV and RV control values can then be set
Condition: Volumetric flow Intensive ventilation
> Nominal ventilation > Reduced ventilation.
9.3.3 EA/SA (exhaust air/supply air) adjust-
EA SA adjustment
RV ventilation level
EA SA adjustment
NV ventilation level
EA SA adjustment
IV ventilation level
EA = exhaust air, SA = supply air
Set value ex factory = 0 %
Supply and exhaust air volumes must be bal-
anced over the entire application area. Normally
the fans automatically ensure a balance and no
adjustment has to be undertaken.
Nevertheless, if fan tolerances need balancing,
the adjustment parameters can be used to adapt
the supply air volumetric flow to that of the ex-
haust air.
Example: Supply air volumetric flow: measured
excess = 20 m³/h
EA SA adjustment: Ventilation level NV must be
set to m³/h for adjustment. When setting NV, the
control automatically also adjusts RV and IV. The
percentage deviation for NV is transferred to RV
and IV. A manual adjustment for RV and IV is
also possible and the NV adjustment does not
then change. A new adjustment of NV does how-
ever again result in an adjustment to RV and IV.
Adjusting RV also changes the ventilation for hu-
midity protection.
The adjustment cannot result in values falling be-
low or exceeding minimum and maximum values
for fan supply voltages.
9.3.4 Night-time cooling / flush mode
Parameters: Night-time cooling / flush mode
Set value dependent on ventilation unit type →
Volumetric flow of ventilation level [} 40].
Volumetric flow specification for the night-time
cooling and flush mode functions.
Night-time cooling
Set value
min. -50 m³/h
max. + 50 m³/h
min. -50 m³/h
max. + 50 m³/h
min. -50 m³/h
max. + 50 m³/h
Activation possible using week time program and
sensor input. (Note configuration for sensor in-
puts). Fan operation can be adjusted using spe-
cified air volume (max. 100 % possible). Bypass
opened if
• T room reference> maximum room temperature
• T supply air > minimum supply air temperature,
• T outside air > 5 °C,
• Timer for supplementary heat register bypass
lock elapsed.
Display note: Night-time cooling active.
If the temperature conditions mean that cooling is
not possible, fan operation is interrupted for 50
min. After this time, a further attempt is made at
cooling (10 minute fan operation).
Flush mode
Unit is operated with the volumetric flow set by
the user, e.g. max. air volume replacement in
defined time frame. Activation possible using
week time program and sensor input (note config-
uration for sensor inputs). Fan operation can be
adjusted using specified air volume (max. M³/h
Display note: Flush mode active.
9.3.5 Amount of air for volumetric flow com-
pensation (Eco supply air)
Parameters: Volumetric flow compensation
Set value dependent on ventilation unit type →
Volumetric flow of ventilation level [} 40].
Activation using potential-free switching contact,
clamped on sensor input (note configuration for
sensor inputs). Supply air fan is operated with set
air volume.
Function: Is used to compensate for air from ex-
haust air systems (e.g. range hood) in the room.
Display note: Volumetric flow compensation act-
9.3.6 Unit filter
Parameters: Filter service life, unit filter
Set value: 3 to 12 months
Parameters: Filter change, unit filter
Set value: No / Yes
The filter service life of the unit filter is displayed
(corresponds to service life of supply air fan).
Once the set timer interval has elapsed, a filter
change message appears. If the filter is
changed prematurely, the filter change must be
confirmed. This is done by selecting yes under
Filter change, unit filter.
9 Unit settings menu