Setting screen (1)
Setting Screen (1) is for user's saved
items and training records.
They are shown in the right and left
Turn jog wheel to select item
Press the jog wheel button to confirm
and to open selection window.
Selection window
Turn the jog wheel and select item
Choose "Replay"
Press jog wheel button to confirm.
Enter workout screen and continue
the previous training
Choose "Edit"
Press jog wheel to confirm
Enter and edit the range setting
Press jog wheel button to confirm
and to enter workout screen
Choose "Delete"
Turn jog wheel to select item
Press the jog wheel button to confirm
and to open selection window.
Choose Yes to delete selected file,
choose no not delete selected file.
Press jog wheel button to confirm.
Workout screen:
Workout screen is depending on the
trainings mode you are in.
Nm manual mode
It's the same as Manual mode
Watt Constant Mode
Its' the same as Preset programs Watt
Target HR Mode
It's the same as Preset programs Heart
Rate Mode
Fitness test
Turn the jog wheel and select
"Fitness test"
Press the jog wheel to confirm and
enter the Setting screen (1).
User interface needs the user's data to
process Fitness test, if no any user data
available Fitness test cannot start up.
Below message will pop up.
Press jog wheel to go back to main
Setting screen (1)