■ Lubricating the looper and spreader components
Be sure carry out the work while observing the following in order to protect against pinching of
hands, fingers and arms between the sewing machine and the bottom cover, which can result in
serious injury, when you raise the sewing machine from its home position.
• Be sure to lock the hinge stopper to firmly secure the sewing machine in its raised position.
* Read and check how to rise/return the sewing machine described on p.3 to p.5.
1) Remove the presser plates, left and right, and
raise the machine head.
2) Apply two to three drops of oil to looper link
spreader link
, spreader, right
and spreader actuating cam
1. Be sure to lubricate the components
o n c e a d a y. I f t h e f r e q u e n c y o f
lubrication is small, especially, worn-
out of
stitch skipping or needle breakage
will occur.
2. Apply oil to the oil wicks and the
felts (looper cam oiling felt
the like) in the machine bed at the
time of delivery or after an extended
period of disuse.
, spreader,
is caused and