When a data is indicated between two quotes ('...') it means that the indicated
data is the corresponding ASCII character.
The field length is variable according to the data type as per the
following table:
Tab. 5
Data Type
Logic (L)
Numeric (N)
The addressed SLAVE will respond with an ANSWER whose structure
depends from the MESSAGE type.
Special Turbo-V 1K-G User Manual / 87-901-006-01 (B)
<STX> (Start of transmission) = 0x02
<ADDR> (Unit address) = 0x80 (for RS 232)
<ADDR> (Unit address) = 0x80 + device number (0 to 31) (for RS
<WIN> (Window) = a string of 3 numeric character indicating the
window number (from '000' to '999'); for the meaning of each
window see the relevant paragraph.
<COM> (Command) = 0x30 to read the window, 0x31 to write into
the window
<DATA> = an alphanumeric ASCII string with the data to be
written into the window. In case of a reading command this field
is not present.
Field Length
<ETX> (End of transmission) = 0x03
<CRC> = XOR of all characters subsequent to <STX> and
including the <ETX> terminator. The value is hexadecimal coded
and indicated by two ASCII character.
RS 232/RS 485 Communication Description
Valid Characters
'0' = OFF
'1' = ON
'-', '.', '0' . . . '9' right
justified with '0'
from blank to '_' (ASCII)
Technical Information