f) Submenu "DAYNIGHT"
H ere, you can set a delay time ("D TIME") for activating the IR filter (1 - 100 seconds).
The camera switches between colour and black/white automatically depending on ambience
brightness in the basic setting.
Press the button to show a submenu:
"D CTRL": Delay time (1- 100 seconds) for switching between colour and black-and-white dis-
"DAY2NIGHT": Value of the ambience brightness (1 - 100 Lux) from which onwards the switch
from colour to black/white mode is performed
"NIGHT2DAY": Value of the ambience brightness (1 - 100 Lux) from which onwards the switch
from black/white to colour mode is performed
The video is always shown in colour, no matter the ambience brightness (if the ambience bright-
ness is low, there will be image noise for functional reasons).
The video is always displayed in black/white, no matter the ambience brightness.
g) Submenu "SYSTEM"
You can select the language for the menu display here. At the time of creation of these operating
instructions, only the languages English and Chinese were available.
Gamma correction for colour display ("LOW", "MIDDLE" , "HIGH")
Setting the brightness ("LOW", "MIDDLE" , "HIGH")
Selection of the TV system ("PAL" or "NTSC")