Spectrum Analyzer FSEA20/30, FSEB20/30, FSEM20/21/30/31,
(Firmware Version 3.20 and higher (for instruments without controller function or with DOS
(Firmware Version 4.20 and higher (for instruments with Windows NT controller function))
Dear Customer,
your spectrum analyzer is equipped with a new firmware version. The new firmware offers a number of
extensions and improvements which are not yet described in the operating manual. They are explained
on the following pages. The new functions concern:
• Selection of trace averaging method
• Trace export in vector analyzer mode
• Extended functionality for operating mode vector signal analysis (option FSE-B7)
• Extended functionality for operating modes GSM BTS ANALYZER (FSE-K11) and GSM MS
• New operating mode EDGE Mobile Tests (application firmware FSE-K20).
• New operating mode EDGE Base Station Tests (application firmware FSE-K21).
• New application firmware extension FSE-K30: 850 MHz GSM band for FSE-K10 and FSE-K20
• New application firmware extension FSE-K31: 850 MHz GSM band for FSE-K11 and FSE-K21
• Additional IEEE/IEC-bus commands
Instruments FSEM and FSEK equipped with a RF module of model index 20 and
higher should not be operated by a firmware version below 3.01 or 4.01 (instruments
with Windows NT controller).
Selection of Trace Averaging Method
Section "Trace Selection and Setup" of the operating manual was extended to include the selection of
the trace averaging method.
TRACE 1 right side menu:
Supplement A
to Operating Manual
controller function))
The AVERAGE LIN/LOG softkey switches between linear and logarithmic
averaging in case of logarithmic level display.
In case of logarithmic averaging, the dB values of the display voltage are
averaged, in case of linear averaging the level values in dB are converted into
linear voltages or powers prior to averaging. These voltages or powers are
averaged and then again converted into level values.
For stationary sinewave signals the two averaging methods yield the same
Logarithmic averaging is recommended if sinewave signals are to clearly
stand out against the noise since, with this averaging, noise suppression is
greater while the sinewave signals remain unchanged.
IEC/IEEE command
This softkey is also available for GSM application firmware FSE-K10/K11 in
Power vs Time and Carrier Power measurements.