72. Position the elevator servo in the tray with the output facing
the rear of the fuselage. Mark the locations for the mounting
screws on the tray. Remove the servo and use a drill and
1.5mm drill bit to drill the locations for the mounting screws
Thread the mounting screws into the holes in the radio tray.
Remove the screws before proceeding Apply 2-3 drops of thin
CA in each hole. Allow the CA to fully cure before proceeding
Secure the servo using the screws provided with the servo.
73. Center the servo using the radio system. Place the servo arm
on the servo so it is 90-degrees to the elevator pushrod.
Please follow the steps as outlined for the elevator
control horn installation. The screw holding the right
side rod end to the control horn will not be accessible
once the control horn has been installed.
74. Snap an aluminum ball into the plastic rod end, then thread
the plastic rod end 14 turns on the pushrod.
75. Secure the rod end to the outer hole in the elevator control
horn using a #2 Phillips screwdriver and an M3 x 10 machine
76. Remove the covering to expose the elevator control horn
mounting location. Secure the elevator control horn using
an M3 x 20 socket head cap screw and 2.5mm hex wrench.
Make sure not to overtighten the screw and damage the
underlying structure.
Pitts S-2B 50–60cc
77. Use side cutters to trim excess from the servo arm. Enlarge
the hole in the arm that is 13/16 inch (21mm) from the center
of the arm using a pin vise and 3mm drill bit.
78. Snap an aluminum ball into the plastic rod end. Attach the
rod end to the servo arm using an M3 x 10 machine screw,
M3 washer and M3 locknut. Tighten the hardware with a #2
Phillips screwdriver and 5mm nut driver.
79. Thread the rod end on the elevator pushrod. Check that when
the elevator servo is centered, and the arm is on the servo,
the elevator is centered. Thread the rod end as necessary to
center the elevator. Once centered, secure the servo arm to
the servo using the hardware supplied with the servo.
80. Repeat the previous steps to install the remaining elevator
servo and pushrod.
13/16 inch