16. Secure the control horn using the control horn backplate and
an M3 x 14 socket head cap screw. Use a 2.5mm hex wrench
to tighten the screw.
Do not overtighten the screw and damage
the underlying structure.
17. Install the rubber grommets and eyelets in the aileron servos.
Use the instructions included with the servo for correct
18. Use a drill and 1.5mm drill bit to drill the four mounting holes
for the aileron servo covers. Use the holes in the cover as a
19. Remove the cover from the wing. Leave the tape toward the
leading edge as a reference for the following steps.
20. Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to thread an M2 x 8 sheet metal
screw into each of the holes. Remove the screws before
Pitts S-2B 50–60cc
21. Place 2-3 drops of thin CA in each of the holes to harden
the surrounding wood. Allow the CA to fully cure before
22. Place the servo on the servo cover. The output of the servo
faces the leading edge (tape) of the cover. With a small gap
between the cover and servo, use a felt-tipped pen to mark
the locations of the servo mounting screws on the mounting
23. Remove the servo from the cover. Use a drill and 1.5mm drill
bit to drill the holes for the servo mounting screws.
24. Secure the servo to the mounting tabs using the screws
provided with the servo. Center the servo and place the arm
on the servo perpendicular to the servo centerline. Remove
any unused arms so they won't interfere with the operation
of the servo.
25. Enlarge the hole in the arm that is 1 inch (25mm) from the
center of the arm using a pin vise and 3mm drill bit.
1 inch