In Chair/ Wheelchair (19 steps)
Do NOT use a Hammock sling in chair/
wheelchair. Apply these in bed.
1. Place the lift nearby.
2. Apply the wheelchair brakes.
3. Check that the stiffeners are completely inside the
stiffener pockets, if any.
4. Stand in front of the patient and lean the patient
forward. The patient can use the arm rest of the
chair to help out.
5. Place the sling over the patient's back and head
with the inside of the sling against the patient. The
sling label is located on the outside. If the sling
doesn't fi t, change to a bigger size.
6. Make sure that the centre line is aligned with the
patient's spine and coccyx.
7. Tuck in the end of the sling at the coccyx or against
the seat. If needed, use an ArjoHuntleigh sliding
sheet/tube for placing the sling under the patient.
See respective Sliding sheet/tube IFU.
8. Lean the patient back.
9. Place the leg fl aps under the patient's legs. Make
sure the leg fl aps are not twisted. To avoid skin
injuries, use an ArjoHuntleigh sliding sheet/tube
when placing the leg fl aps. Make sure the leg fl aps
goes all the way around. See respective Sliding
sheet/tube IFU. (See Fig. 10 )
10. Cross the legs straps. Pull one strap through the
other. (See Fig. 8 )
11. Make sure that the:
sling is centred and fl at without creases,
sling's head support covers the neck/head area,
inside of the sling is against patient's body and
sling pieces are not twisted underneath the
12. Make sure the spreader bar is in a seated position
and place the lift in front of the patient with the lift
legs wide open.
13. Apply the brakes on the lift.
To avoid injury, make sure the patient's
arms are placed inside of the sling.
Fig. 10
14. Make sure the patient's arms are inside the sling.
To avoid injury to the patient, pay close
attention when lowering or adjusting the
spreader bar.
15. Attach the sling. Adjust the spreader bar if needed.
Make sure straps are not caught by
wheelchair or lift castors.
16. Pay attention to the spreader bar and slightly lift
the patient to create tension in the sling.
To avoid the patient from falling, make sure
that the sling attachments are attached
securely before and during the lifting
17. Make sure that:
All loops are securely attached
All straps are straight (not twisted)
The patient lays comfortably in the sling.
18. If an adjustment is needed, lower the patient and
make sure that the weight of the patient is taken up
by the receiving surface before removing the loops.
19. Transfer and transport the patient according to the
lift IFU.
On Floor (35 steps)
1. Make a clinical assessment of the patient. Do not
use the sling if the patient has a head, neck, spine
or hip injury. (Follow local routine.)
2. Place a pillow under the patient's head.
(See Fig. 11 )
3. Make sure the patient is in an area that is accessible
for the lift. If needed, use an ArjoHuntleigh sliding
sheet/tube. See respective Sliding sheet/tube IFU.
4. Check that the stiffeners are completely inside the
stiffener pockets, if any.
5. If the patient is able to sit up, continue to
next step. If not able to sit up, proceed to
step 9.
Continue with the steps on the next page.
Fig. 11