Fuel Load Sizes And Thermal Output; Regulating The Combustion Air; Primary Air; Secondary Air - HASE Toronto Mode D'emploi

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  • FR

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Fuel Load Sizes and Thermal Output

The thermal output depends on the amount of fuel you burn in the stove (fuel load size).
When adding more fuel (e.g. wood), the maximum fuel load size is 2,5 kg. Exceeding the
maximum fuel load size leads to a danger of overheating, possibly resulting in damage to
the stove and risk of a stove fi re.
A thermal output of 8 kW can be attained by burning wood logs weighing ap-
prox. 2.0 kg and approx. 30 cm in length for approx. 45 min.
To attain thermal output of 4 kW, burn wood logs weighing approx. 0.5 kg and
approx. 25 cm in length for approx. 20 min.
The Toronto is intended for intermittent operation, please only apply one fuel layer at a

Regulating the Combustion Air

When lighting the fi re and adding fuel, the combustion air is regulated with the primary air
and secondary slider.

8.1 Primary Air

The primary air is guided through the grate and into the fi re box from below, thus more
quickly achieving the required fi re box temperature during the warming up phase.

8.2 Secondary Air

The secondary air is guided into the fi re box via air ducts from the top. It supplies the fi re
box with the volume of preheated oxygen necessary to completely burn off the wood gas
and ensures that the fi re box window remains free of soot.
For regulating the secondary air, the following general rule applies: a small fi re
requires little secondary air; a large fi re requires ample secondary air.
If the secondary air valve is closed too tightly, there is the risk of the fl ue gases not com-
pletely burning (smouldering fi re) and/or soot build-up on the fi re box window or that the
amassed wood gases will burn explosively (over fi ring/defl agration).
Please note: Burning wood when the primary air slider is opened too wide poses the risk of
overheating the stove (forge fi re effect). During operation, the secondary air slider should
never be completely closed. The fi re box door and ash compartment must always be tightly
Fig. 4
The control elements are located on the lower right side.
Secondary air slider (II)
Primary air slider (I)


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