■ Windows 2000 Users
With the UM-1X disconnected, start up Windows.
Disconnect all USB cables except for a USB keyboard and USB
mouse (if used).
If you are using a virus checker or similar software, be sure to
exit as well.
Log on to Windows as a user with administrative
privileges (such as Administrator).
Open the System Properties dialog box.
Click the Windows Start button, and from the menu that
appears, select Settings | Control Panel. In Control Panel,
double-click the System icon.
Click the Hardware tab, and
then click [Driver Singing].
Open the Driver Singing
Options dialog box.
Make sure that "File
signature verification" is set to "Ignore."
If it is set to "Ignore", simply click [OK].
If it is not set to "Ignore", make a note of the current setting
("Warn" or "Block"). Then change the setting to "Ignore" and
click [OK].
Click [OK] to close the System Properties dialog box.
Getting Connected and Installing Drivers (Windows)
If you changed "File
signature verification", you
must restore the previous
setting after you have installed
the driver. (→ If you changed
"File signature verification"
(p. 16))