Check the direction of rotation of
the connected pumps
Start automatic mode
⇒ Menu 4.25: Show the set motor current for pump 1.
⇒ Menu 4.26: Show the set motor current for pump 2.
⇒ Menu 4.27: Show the set motor current for pump 3.
▶ Checked the current value of the motor current monitoring.
Compare the set value to the specification on the rating plate. If the set value dif-
fers from the specification on the rating plate, adjust the value.
Adjust the motor current monitoring value
Motor current monitoring settings checked.
1. Turn the operating button until menu 4.25 to 4.27 appears.
⇒ Menu 4.25: Show the set motor current for pump 1.
⇒ Menu 4.26: Show the set motor current for pump 2.
⇒ Menu 4.27: Show the set motor current for pump 3.
2. Open the switchgear.
DANGER! Risk of fatal injury due to electrical current! When working on open
switchgear, there is a risk of fatal injury! All work must be carried out by a qual-
ified electrician!
3. Correct the motor current at the potentiometer with a screwdriver (see Overview
of components [} 63]). Read changes directly off the display.
4. Once all of the motor currents have been corrected, close the switchgear.
▶ Motor current monitoring set. Perform direction of rotation check.
Rotating field, power supply and pump connection
The rotating field is routed from the mains connection directly to the pump connec-
tion. Check the required rotating field of the pumps to be connected (clockwise or
counter-clockwise)! Observe the installation and operating instructions of the
Perform a test run to check the direction of rotation of the pumps. CAUTION! Property
damage! Perform the test run under the prescribed operating conditions.
The switchgear is closed.
Configuration of menu 5 and menu 1 complete.
All pumps are switched off in menu 3.02 to 3.04: Value "off".
The pumps are enabled in menu 3.01: Value "on".
1. Start Easy Actions menu: Turn the operating button 180°.
2. Select the pump's manual operation mode: Turn the operating button until the
menu item is displayed:
– Pump 1: P1 Hand
– Pump 2: P2 Hand
– Pump 3: P3 Hand
3. Start test run: Press the operating button. The pump runs until the operating but-
ton is released.
4. Check the direction of rotation: Check the measured values for delivery head and
volume flow.
⇒ Incorrect direction of rotation: Exchange the two phases on the pump con-
▶ Direction of rotation checked and corrected as necessary. The initial configuration
is complete.
Automatic mode after initial configuration
The switchgear is closed.
WILO SE 2018-12