How it works
Priority when dry run and high
water signals are present simul-
Pump cycling
Forced switching of the pumps in
case of dry run, min. water level or
high water
Installation and operating instructions Wilo-Control EC-L
Insert the connection cable laid by the customer through the threaded cable connec-
tions and secure. Connect the wires to the terminal strip according to the connection
Risk of fatal injury due to electrical current!
Only operate the switchgear when closed. There is a risk of fatal injury from open
switchgear! Electrical work on the internal components must be carried out by a
qualified electrician.
In automatic mode, the pump is switched on and off depending on the water level.
Once the first activation point has been reached, pump 1 switches on. Once the second
activation point has been reached, pump 2 switches on after the activation delay has
elapsed. A visual indicator appears on the LCD display and the green LED lights up dur-
ing operation. Once the deactivation point has been reached, both pumps are switched
off after the deactivation delay has elapsed. To optimise pump running times, pump
cycling is carried out every time the pump is switched off.
In the event of a fault, automatic changeover to a fully-functional pump occurs and an
alarm signal appears in the LCD display. Additionally, an audible alarm signal can be out-
put via the internal buzzer. Furthermore, the outputs for the collective fault signal
(SSM) and individual fault signal (ESM) are activated.
Once the dry run level is reached, all pumps are switched off (forced switch-off). Once
the high water level is reached, all pumps are switched on (forced switch-on). An alarm
signal is shown on the LCD display. Additionally, an audible alarm signal can be output
via the internal buzzer. Furthermore, the output for the collective fault signal (SSM) is
If the system malfunctions, it may happen that both signals are present at the same
time. In this case, the priority is dependent upon the selected operating mode and thus
the reaction of the switchgear:
▪ Operating mode "drain"
1. Dry-running protection
2. High water
▪ "Fill" operating mode
1. Dry-running protection/low water (via "Extern OFF" input)
2. High water
3. Min. water level
To prevent irregular running times of the individual pumps, general pump cycling takes
place. This means that all pumps work alternately.
Forced switching depends on the selected operating mode:
▪ High water level
Operating mode "drain": A forced switch-on* of all pumps always occurs, irrespective
of the signal transmitter used.
Operating mode "fill": A forced switch-off of all pumps always occurs, irrespective of
the signal transmitter used.
▪ Dry-running level
Operating mode "drain": A forced switch-off of all pumps always occurs, irrespective
of the signal transmitter used.
Operating mode "fill": Realise dry-running protection via the "Extern OFF" input.
▪ Min. water level
Operating mode "fill": A forced switch-on* of all pumps always occurs, irrespective of
the signal transmitter used.
NOTICE! Forced switch-on
The following preconditions must be fulfilled so that a forced switch-on can be per-