00 to 99 stitches
00 to 99 stitches
Number of stitches to be sewn with tension re-
leased for start
The number of stitches to be sewn with the thread
tension released for the start of sewing can be
changed. Chain-off thread can be neatly rolled
in the seam at the start of sewing by releasing
thethread tension for one or two stitches.
The number of stitches to be sewn with
the tension released is the number of
stitches to be sewn after start-up of the
sewing machine. It is not the number of
stitches to be sewn with the tension re-
leased for the actual sewing product.
Be aware also that the tension releasing
mechanism is incapable of starting in time
depending on the settings of slow-start
sewing speed and number of stitches. In
such a case, the number of stitches to be
sewn with the thread tension released may
exceed the setting.
Number of stitches to be sewn with tension re-
leased for end
The number of stitches to be sewn with tension
released for the end of sewing is the number of
stitches to sewn after the material end comes off
the material end sensor.
It is not the number of stitches to be sewn
with the tension released as counted from
the material end of the actual sewing prod-