Cleaning canister and lid
Clean components in hot water (60–70 °C) containing a
detergent with a pH range between 6�0 and 8�0 only, in
order to avoid damaging the instruments and contain-
ment devices�
1� Soak all parts thoroughly with warm, soapy water
(60–70 °C) or in enzymatic detergent for 1–5 minutes�
2� Remove visible dirt with a cleaning tool – general
purpose cleaning brushes, such as pipe cleaners or
non-abrasive lint cloths� Rinse thoroughly in clear
water� Allow to dry�
3� Check the parts for visible dirt and repeat these steps
if necessary� Alternatively the canister / lid can be
placed in a dishwasher for cleaning�
Cleaning pump housing, mains cable and plastic
Wipe with detergent recommended by your healthcare
provider� Use clean cloth to dry�