10.2 SHP-A 300 X Plus: Connection of an external
heat generator
Material losses
Even if an external heat generator is connected, do not
disconnect the appliance from the power supply as oth-
erwise it is not protected against frost and corrosion. The
power supply must not be interrupted even in winter,
when it is possible that DHW heating is only being pro-
vided via the external heat generator.
Material losses
The integration of an external heat generator via the "heat
source flow" connection must not result in the application
limits being exceeded (see chapter "Specification / Data
The connected external heat generator cannot be con-
trolled by the appliance. The external heat generator
must be controlled externally. Any possibility of exceed-
ing the maximum permissible DHW temperature in the
cylinder (as given in chapter "Specification/Data table")
must be prevented.
Material losses
Carry out all installation work in accordance with regula-
tions. In Germany, to comply with heating system regula-
tions, an external heat generator must be connected with
a diaphragm expansion vessel and a safety valve between
the external heat generator and the DHW cylinder.
External heat generators may only be connected with DHW priority
control. As part of this, the cylinder temperature must be captured
with an electronic temperature sensor with safety low voltage.
The DHW cylinder of the appliance allows the temperature sensor
to be positioned at one of two different heights in the cylinder.
Using the sensor sleeve in the upper third of the cylinder enables
later DHW heating by means of the external heat generator, than
the lower sensor position.
Heating circuit oxygen diffusion
Material losses
Avoid open heating systems and plastic pipes in under-
floor heating systems which are permeable to oxygen.
In underfloor heating systems with plastic pipes that are per-
meable to oxygen and in open vented heating systems, oxygen
diffusion may lead to corrosion on the steel components of the
heating system (e.g. on the indirect coil of the DHW cylinder, on
buffer cylinders, steel heating elements or steel pipes).
Material losses
The products of corrosion (e.g. rusty sludge) can settle in
the heating system components and can result in a lower
output or fault shutdowns due to reduced cross-sections.
| SHP-A 220-300 Plus
Solar circuit oxygen diffusion
Material losses
Avoid open vented solar thermal systems and plastic
pipes which are permeable to oxygen.
With plastic pipes that are permeable to oxygen, oxygen diffusion
can cause corrosion on the steel components of the solar thermal
system (e.g. on the indirect coil of the DHW cylinder).
Water quality, solar circuit
Material losses
A glycol-water mixture up to 60 % is permissible for
the solar circuit, provided only dezincification-resistant
metals, glycol-resistant gaskets and diaphragm expan-
sion vessels suitable for glycol are used throughout the
10.3 Condensate drain
Install a condensate drain hose in order to remove the condensate
which forms.
f Connect the condensate drain bend included in the standard
delivery to the condensate drain connection.
f Connect a condensate drain hose to the condensate drain
Material losses
Ensure condensate cannot back up.
f Use a condensate drain hose with a diameter great-
er than the diameter of the condensate drain bend.
f Ensure the condensate drain hose is not kinked.
f Route the condensate drain hose with a continuous
The condensate drain must be open to atmosphere.
f Use a suitable condensate pump if there is insufficient fall.
Observe the building characteristics.
10.4 Power supply
WARNING Electrocution
Carry out all electrical connection and installation work
in accordance with national and regional regulations.
WARNING Electrocution
If the appliance is permanently connected to the power
supply, ensure that the appliance can be separated from
the power supply by an isolator that disconnects all poles
with at least 3 mm contact separation. Contactors, mains
isolators or fuses can be used for this.
WARNING Electrocution
f Observe the safety measures to prevent contact
with dangerous 'live' currents.